05-05-2017 18h30
This panel will discuss both the possibilities that applied cryptography can help preserve fundamental rights in an era of mass surveillance. We'll look at the political history of the field of cryptography, the subversion of cryptographic standards by the U.S. government, and the challenges facing cryptography due to quantum computing. Then we'll focus on the necessity of usable cryptographic and privacy-enhancing technologies given the lessons of Arab Spring in 2011 and the challenges facing Europe in the coming year. The panel will feature both activists and cryptographers in order to open a dialogue between them.
Moderator: Harry Halpin Slim Amamou Tunisian Blogger/Activist, former Secretary of State for Sport and Youth post-2011 revolution Philip Rogaway University of California, Davis, Author of "The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work" Moti Yung Snapchat, inventor of cryptovirology and kleptography Daniel Bernstein University Illinois/Eindhoven, designer of Curve25519 Tanja Lange University Eindhoven, Project co-ordinator of PQCRYPTO (Post-Quantum Cryptography) Fabrizio Sestini Collective Awareness Platforms, European Commission DG CONNECT