Certification is a key issue in information systems but is also raising important epistemological questions since any knowledge needs to be confronted with the question of truth or more precisely of different regimes of veridiction in Foucault’s sense. This philosophical question, the ‘truth’ of the digital, will be analyzed in the context of decentralized certification, where there is no top-down or natural concept of truth but a dynamic elaboration of it. In the context of such ‘decentralization of truth’, the goal of this session is to analyze the tradeoffs between transparency and certification at the microlevel of a blockchain or at the upper level of decentralized education and knowledge production.
La certification est un enjeu technique majeur dans les systèmes d’information mais c’est également un enjeu épistémologique important qui repose la question de la vérité (et de fausseté), ou des différents régimes de véridiction tels que posés par Michel Foucault. La décentralisation de la certification nous amène à nous questionner plus largement sur la décentralisation de tous les organes de production du savoir. Le but de cette séance et d’analyser les compromis entre transparence et certification à l’échelle micro d’une “blockchain” et à l’échelle supérieure d’une décentralisation de l’éducation et de la production de connaissance. Biographies Christian Fauré (OCTO Technologies, Ars Industrialis)
Christian Fauré is working on dataware and cloud computing infrastructure for public and private customers. Adli Takkal Bataille (Le Cercle du Coin)
Adli Takkal Bataille is president of Le Cercle du Coin. He is also Community manager and organizer of education events related to Bitcoin and blockchains. Lyse Brillouet (Orange Labs)
Lyse Brillouet is director of Digital society research at Orange Labs. She is also Vice-president Convergence development in charge of start-up and investment activities in Europe and AMEA. André Reinald (PeerStorage)
André Reinald is a former engineer at Mozilla, promoter of new solutions for peer storage.